School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation Kyushu University

Assoc.Prof. BREZINA Jan

Partial differential equation

Researcher Information

Message for high school students

It’s easier to make friends with a hairy dog than it is with math. However, once you do, math will serve you just as loyally as any dog. Even though our modern lives depend constantly on mathematics, many seem to resist making any attempt to understand it. Yet math isn’t as difficult as you may think! It simply needs effort and will power. Even if you aren’t a math major, once you take on the challenge of understanding basic math concepts, your efforts will be richly rewarded, since math is the master key to all the sciences. 共創学部へいっらしゃいませ!

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Main courses in charge

  • Basic System Science/ISI Fundamental Courses
  • [ID]Informatics E/Python Programing in English/Approach Subjects
  • [ID]Informatics F/Python Programing for Analysis/Approach Subjects
  • Python Programing for Analysis(Reflective Courses/Crossing Study Areas)
  • Lecture Series(Reflective Courses)
  • Basic Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation,Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation(Collaborative Courses)
  • Cross-Cultural Adjustment 2,International Experience A,International ExperienceB(Experiential Courses)
  • Degree Project(Interdisciplinary Science & Innovation Courses)