School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation Kyushu University


Cognitive Science, Bioethics

Researcher Information

Message for high school students

What does it mean to be human? How can we explain phenomena such as dreaming, illusions, memory, free will, et cetera? This is what I wanted to study. I ended up choosing psychology as a major, while reading many books of philosophy (as well as novels and poetry) for my pleasure. However, I felt this was not enough. To really understand consciousness, I also had to consider the brain and biology. So, I went on to specialize in cognitive neuroscience. In my own research, I think the topic of decision-making is the most important and exciting. I like the fact that it brings together many different perspectives. This is also exactly what we can do in the new School…

Main courses in charge

  • Issue and Innovation/ISI Fundamental Courses
  • [NS]Ethics and Philosophy A/Bioethics/Approach Subjects
  • Issue-based Research (Human and Life Area)/Bioengineering: Relevance for Society/Issue-based Subjects
  • Brain and Information(Reflective Courses/Humans and Life)
  • Cognitive Science(Interdisciplinary Science & Innovation Courses/Humans and Life)
  • Bioethics(Interdisciplinary Science & Innovation Courses/Humans and Life)
  • Lecture Series(Reflective Courses)
  • Basic Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation,Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation(Collaborative Courses)
  • Cross-Cultural Adjustment 2,International Experience A,International ExperienceB(Experiential Courses)
  • Degree Project(Interdisciplinary Science & Innovation Courses)