School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation Kyushu University

Assoc.Prof. SENDA Ryoko

Geochemistry, Archaeology Science

Researcher Information

Message for high school students

 In our faculty, professors from various fields show you how to see the world from each field. Learning various points of view is very important for understanding the world. For example, I am a geochemist working to understand the internal structure and evolution of the earth using elemental abundances and isotopes as a tool. Using the same tool, I have started to research about human history with archaeologists in our faculty. Geochemistry is a field of science but archaeology is in the humanities. I am learning a lot of things from collaborative work with people from various fields. This expands my own perspective. It is very challenging and also interesting for me. Let's learn with us and see the world from a broader perspective to make a better future!

10km先の未知なる世界「マントル」 九州大学 共創学部×夢ナビTALK

Main courses in charge

  • [NS]Earth Sciences A/Formation of the Earth Environments/Approach Subjects
  • Issue-based Research (Earth and Environment Area)/Thinking about the Earth/Issue-based Subjects
  • Issue-based Research (Earth and Environment Area)/Earth Science in Global Society/Issue-based Subjects
  • Understanding the Earth(Reflective Courses/Earth and Environment)
  • Practices in Earth Environments(Reflective Courses/Earth and Environment)
  • Earth Sciences in Global Society(Interdisciplinary Science & Innovation Courses/Earth and Environment)
  • Basic Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation,Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation(Collaborative Courses)
  • Degree Project(Interdisciplinary Science & Innovation Courses)