ISI Student Support Room
共創学部学生相談窓口について/About the Student Support Desk of the ISI
共創学部では、学生の皆さんに対して以下のようなサポート体制を整備しています。/The student support system of ISI is as Follows.
●チューター及びクラス担任/Tutors and classroom teachers
勉強のこと、大学のことで質問があるとき。休学などサインをもらう場合など。/When you have questions about your studies or about the university. When you need to get a signature such as leave of absence, etc.
●アドバイザー教員等/Advisor etc. ※連絡先アドレスの[アットマーク]は @ に置き換えてください。
氏名 | 担当 | 相談内容 |
連絡先 |
木附 晃実 |
履修アドバイザー/Course Advisor | 授業選択や進路など修学していく上での疑問や悩みなど/Provedes advice on questions related to the selection of corses or careers after graduation | kitsuki[アットマーク] |
施 光恒 /Se-sensei |
学生相談員/Student counselor | 心身の不調/Mental and physical disorder |
se[アットマーク] |
吉田 謙太郎 /Yoshida-sensei |
履修アドバイザー/Course Advisor | 授業選択や進路など修学していく上での疑問や悩みなど/Provedes advice on questions related to the selection of corses or careers after graduation | yoshida.kentaro.302[アットマーク] |
仙田 量子 /Senda-sensei |
生活アドバイザー/Student Life Advisor | 学生生活をおくる上で困ったことや不安に思うこと/Provedes advice on concerns relating to student life | senda[アットマーク] |
Weiss David /Weiss-sensei |
生活アドバイザー/Student Life Advisor | 学生生活をおくる上で困ったことや不安に思うこと/Provedes advice on concerns relating to student life | weiss[アットマーク] |
姜 益俊 /Kang-sensei |
留学派遣担当教員/StudyAbroad Coordinator | 留学先の選択や留学に対する不安など/Provides advice on selecting the destination of overseas study or concerns related to studying abroad. | ij-kang[アットマーク] |
李 暁燕 /Li-sensei |
留学受入担当教員/International Students Coordinator | 留学生の相談対応/Counseling for International Students |
lixiaoyan[アットマーク] |
●共創学部生問い合わせフォーム/Inquiry Form of ISI | kyoso-question[アットマーク] |
事務提出書類やどこに相談すれば良いのかよく分からないこと/If you would like to ask about the submission of documents or have question.
●心身の不調/Mental and physical disorder | キャンパスライフ・健康支援センター/Center for Health Sciences and Counseling (web相談窓口 |
●共創学部生問い合わせフォーム/Inquiry Form of ISI | kyoso-question[アットマーク] |
事務提出書類やどこに相談すれば良いのかよく分からないこと/If you would like to ask about the submission of documents or have question.
●心身の不調/Mental and physical disorder | キャンパスライフ・健康支援センター/Center for Health Sciences and Counseling (web相談窓口 |
Life support (Campus life)
Financial support
Support for international students
Life Support
Support for Students with Disabilities
Learning Support for Students with Disabilities
In the event that a faculty member is approached by a student with a disability for advice about learning support and accommodation, Kyushu University School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation (ISI) has a system for working with the Center for Health Sciences and Counseling (Support Section for Inclusion, Health Center, Student Counseling Section, and the Student Support Coordinator Office), which provides advice and counseling services for the whole university.
ISI’s process for these procedures is shown below.
The e-mail Address for your Question and Concerns
This is to notify you that we have set up a new email address for students’ various inquiries.
About your questions and concerns that you have been asking via call and email, please contact us by email using the email address below from now on. Administrative staff will respond to your email.
※Please convert [at] to @ and send it to us.
Due to this current irregular situation, you may have questions and concerns about online courses, mobile data connection, how to set it up, course registration, study abroad, etc… Please contact us with this email address first. You are welcome to ask anything regarding School of ISI.
However, if you have questions regarding “Kikan Education Subjects”, please contact from the form on the website as follows.
Please do not forget to mention your student number and your name when you send email to us.
Also, please note that our response might be late on weekend, however we will reply to you as quickly as possible.