School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation Kyushu University

prof. INABA Miyuki

International Social Welfare, Community and Social Development, Public Policy, Gerontology

Researcher Information

Message for high school students

Prior to joining academia, I worked at the UN, a research institute, and private companies in the U.S. and Japan. I have degrees in Political Science, Public Policy and Social Work. Looking back now, I believe that these diverse academic and work experiences have helped me look for innovative solutions to social problems. Our rapidly changing world requires the development of innovative social welfare policies, programs, and approaches to tackle the global challenges such as poverty, inequality, population aging, and natural disasters as you can find in the SDGs. The school offers an exceptional learning environment in which students can gain knowledge and skills that they need to be leaders and creative thinkers in today’s complex world. I hope you will join this unique academic community that will provide you with a plethora of experiences for personal growth. Let us try to make the world more sustainable and inclusive!

Main courses in charge

  • Issue-based Research (People and Society Area)/International Social Welfare/Issue-based Subjects
  • Issue-based Research (Area integrated)/Community and Social Development/Issue-based Subjects
  • Approaches to Social Collaboration(Reflective Courses/People and Society)
  • Global Social Welfare(Interdisciplinary Science & Innovation Courses/People and Society)
  • Lecture Series(Reflective Courses)
  • Basic Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation,Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation(Collaborative Courses)
  • Cross-Cultural Adjustment 2,International Experience A,International ExperienceB(Experiential Courses)
  • Degree Project(Interdisciplinary Science & Innovation Courses)