
准教授 瀬平劉 アントン





You have spent much of your life being told facts, ideas, how things work, and what to do. But here at ISI, you are your own teacher. In my classes, we will be learning things like religious ethics, philosophy of society, theories of mental health from clinical pedagogy, etc. But while I will be facilitating your learning, your education is now in your hands! What is the truth? How do we solve problems in a world where there are so many differing views of right and wrong? What is a "social problem" really, and what does it mean to "solve" them? What does it mean to become human? These are humanity's biggest questions. And it is up to you to take up these problems as your own and make a genuinely creative contribution to humankind.

あなたはなぜ学ぶのか-教育哲学から考える 九州大学 共創学部×夢ナビTALK


  • 世界の様々な哲学/共創基礎科目
  • 〔人社〕思想・倫理・哲学C「社会哲学論」/アプローチ科目
  • 〔学際〕情報学D「質的研究法」/アプローチ科目
  • 課題研究(人と社会領域)「臨床教育学」/課題科目
  • グローバル・エシクス(共通基礎科目/エリア横断)
  • 社会哲学論(構想科目/人と社会エリア)
  • 教育倫理学(共創科目/人と社会エリア)
  • レクチャーシリーズ(構想科目)
  • 共創基礎プロジェクト、共創プロジェクト(協働科目)
  • 異文化対応2、海外活動A・B(経験科目)
  • ディグリープロジェクト(共創科目)