School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation Kyushu University

Assoc.Prof. OKADA Masaya

Informatics, Behavior information processing, Multimodal sensing

Researcher Information

Message for high school students

My research interest is measuring and understanding how people’s intellectual behavior is generated in the world. I am also interested in using multimodal sensing data of people’s body, environment, and intelligence as computational resources to estimate the semantics of behavior-based human intelligence.

Many issues in our human society are not well defined. However, data science is a powerful tool to extract the structure of social issues and clarify the design requirement of social services. Let us study data science not only to understand a real-world issue but also to create new social products or services.

Main courses in charge

  • Data Collection and Analysis/ISI Fundamental Courses
  • [ID]Informatics A/Data Analytics 1/Approach Subjects
  • [ID]Informatics B/Data Analytics 2/Approach Subjects
  • Data Analytics(Reflective Courses/Crossing Study Areas)
  • Lecture Series(Reflective Courses)
  • Basic Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation,Project for Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation(Collaborative Courses)
  • Cross-Cultural Adjustment 2,International Experience A,International ExperienceB(Experiential Courses)
  • Degree Project(Interdisciplinary Science & Innovation Courses)