Orientation for New ISI International Students in Spring 2022 Apr.12,2022
On Thursday, April 7, 2022, the School of Interdisciplinary and Innovation (ISI) held the "New ISI International Student Orientation in Spring 2022" online.
The ISI welcomed 15 exchange students from overseas partner universities for the first time as a school, four years after its establishment in April 2018. This time, however, the orientation was held online, as the students had not yet completed their arrival in Japan.
On the day of the event, 12 out of the 17 international students including 2 regular international student who entered in April 2022, as well as 19 faculty members and 7 supporter students were participated. At the orientation, Associate Professor Li Xiaoyan, in charge of inbound students, presided over the event and gave a welcome speech and introduction of the School, after which the international students introduced themselves to each other. The academic advisors (faculty members) and student supporters (ISI students) assigned to each student were also introduced, and the students were advised to prepare for their classes starting on April 11.
Overall, the atmosphere was homey and friendly, and the students who will be studying together were able to meet each other successfully.